
educational videos
The Evolution of Learning with ABOER – Podcasts and Educational Videos

This past year the Lindisfarne Production team was asked to help spread awareness about the growing phenomenon of Open Educational Resources in the Education sphere. Working with Dr. Connie Blomgren and Verena Roberts and their dedicated team of experts we were tasked with creating a series of informational podcasts and educational videos to explore the topic of Open Education in depth. The completed resources were funded by the Alberta Open Educational Resources (ABOER) Initiative through an investment from the Government of Alberta.

educational videosThere is no questions that education continues to evolve and adapt with ever increasing technical and digital innovations and with new empathy for the different ways in which individuals learn and understand concepts and content. With the development of more Open Educational Resources and Open Education platforms teachers from around the world are better able to share their creative ideas not just within their own schools and districts but also on a broader national and international scale.

educational videos

The Lindisfarne team had the opportunity to speak to many leaders in Open Education from across the globe: experts such as Rory McGreal, UNESCO Chairholder in Open Educational Resources at Athabasca University; Bea de los Arcos of the OER Research Hub in the UK: David Porter of eCampus Ontario; and Bronwyn Hegarty, Principal Lecturer in Tertiary Teacher Education at Otago Polytechnic in Dunedin, New Zealand  – who shared her Open Pedagogy model.

educational videos

Our team at Lindisfarne learned a lot about Copyright and User rights, the 5 R’s of OER (Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, and Redistribute), OER in Canada and Internationally, and the many benefits of Open Educational Resources for both educators and students. Fascinating stuff!

To find out more about the project and OER please check out the podcasts here.

To see more samples of Lindisfarne produced educational videos follow the link here.