Coaching While Black - A Documentary short
In 2023, the Lindisfarne team worked with Alex Eskandarkhah of Gamble Ave Filmworks to create the documentary short Coaching While Black.

Myrna Kostash: Here - A Short Documentary
Lindisfarne productions worked in collaboration with Kalyna Somchynsky, ALIEA, and URDC to produce the short documentary Myrna Kostash: Here.

Lube City - Commercial Series
Our Lindisfarne crew was super excited when the team over at Lube City brought us on to create the videos for their newest commercial series.

HQCA - 2023 Patient Experience Videos
Lindisfarne Productions had the pleasure of working with the team at the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA), once again, to create awards videos for their 2023 annual Patient Experience Awards.

PrairiesCan- Video Impact Series
Lindisfarne Productions worked with Prairies Economic Development Canada to produce 5 short videos for their Alberta Video Impact series.

The McDades - Music videos

Oral History Videos - Woodlands Cree Elders
Lindisfarne Productions had the honour of creating a series of oral history videos for the M.D. of Opportunity No.17.

CPA "Have You Ever" Video series

FedGas - Social Media Ad videos
Lindisfarne Productions helped the Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops by creating short social media ads to highlight the importance of natural gas is rural Albertan communities

EEDC in Japan
Edmonton Economic Development Corporation supports Edmonton-based companies with exporting their products to other markets. In 2019 they brought our video production crew along to Japan to spend time with two local entrepreneurs: Token Bitters and Wild Prairie Soap Company.

AGLC - Best Bar None Promotional Videos
Recently, Alberta Liquor Gaming & Cannabis (AGLC) reached out to Lindisfarne to produce 2 creative promotional videos for their Best Bar None program.

alis Occupational Videos - 2024 edition